Thank you to those who have been with me through the good and the bad and the mediocre. I genuinely appreciate all of you.
Having no car for a year and 5 months, I realized who my real friends are--those people who didn't care whether you fucked up or not, or whether you were annoying because you constantly needed a ride, and those people who would go out of their way to give me a ride.
SERIOUSLY, who in their right minds would go out of their way to drive somewhere for someone constantly because she needed it? Thank you. If i had money coming out of my ass, I would buy all you guys gas for the rest of your lives. I guess I'll do that when I discover how to shit money. But REALLY, guys, thank you.
I also want to thank those who were not afraid to hurt my feelings. I guess I should say, I want to thank YOU. You know who you are. I'm not sure if you'll read this, but you're the reason I am who I am today. I want to thank you for everything. You've been with me seriously through everything. When things were awful you were there to comfort me, when things were still awful you weren't afraid to hurt my feelings and tell me what was the morally right thing to do. You give me incredible insight and I can't thank you enough for being the person you are. I'm sorry I can't spend New Years with you, but, I don't know. I never celebrate New Years. That's beside the point. I love you, so much. I hate that you live on the other side of the state, longevity-wise.. haha. Does that make sense? .. I think so... tehe. I hope your New Years is amazing. <3>
Dear Parents,
Thank you. I can't thank you guys enough for what you guys have done for me. Regardless of the early curfew and strict regulations, I understand where you guys are coming from. I'm sorry I let you guys down multiple times, and I promise you guys 2010 will not be full infractions, misdemeanors, or felonies. I love you guys too. Obviously. :>
Little Sister,
I love you. You've grown so much. I'm sorry I made 2 months of your 2009 awful. I probably made more than 2 months awful.. But anyway, be good. Not necessarily good, because I know you're still young and somewhat naive and you're going to want to try different things.. whatever they might be. I'm not here to tell you what you can or can't do, but I want you to know that you have to learn from your own mistakes. Trial and error! I'm not going to be guiding you every step of the way (although sometimes I'd like to) so I want you to learn from your own mistakes, whatever they might be to you. I love you. I hope your 2010 is full of joy, and I pray your career in art prospers. <3
Hehe I realized that I said "I love you" to everybody. Sorry! Super corny. I DO love all you guys, though..
I don't have a New Years Resolution yet.
But I want 2010 to be abundant in accomplishments, friendships, and an ever-so-strong relationship with my family.
I love you all.
Happy New Years, everybody.