Friday, November 27, 2009


i love my family. i accept them for who they are, and regardless of what they do to me, i still love them.

yeah ok, i'll cut the bullshit. switch family with dad. (only applies above)

my dad is crazy. he's so fucking bipolar. i love him to death but at the same time he hurts my family. he holds grudges against us. his own children! his own wife! what the hell?

i dont know any other dad who does not show compassionate love for his family. i know he loves us, but at the same time, like.. could you be any more disrespectful and shit to your family?

he calls us lowclass, cheap, stupid, idiots, and he says we have "no fucking appreciation" for what he does for us. i mean like, i'm sure we'd be more appreciative if he wasn't so goshdamn crazy.

he plays videogames whenever he comes home. is that "cool" for some of you? i dont think so, when he gets all worked up cause the people he's playing with sucks and he's getting hella mad about that shit. you know what? fuck that shit. fuck it all. fuckkk it.

ryan jiang just made me read his blog. he sucks. you suck. just kidding.

going on...

the only contribution my dad makes to this family is money. and he says we spend to much of it. okay, mr. i-spend-2k+-on-cameras-and-i-have-a-super-cool-collection-and-i-send-over-15k+-to-my-rude-ass-family-in-korea-who-actually-have-"nofuckingappreciaion".

i could rant on more. i'm sorry to those who have awful fathers like mine. i know mine isn't as worse as it gets. so, i'm sorry if it sounds like i'm acting like my dad is the worst in the world.

end post. -__-

Thursday, November 26, 2009


today is the worst.

Turkey Day

Turkey today? Not for me! We're having fish! Wootwoot. -___-

I am cleaning my room. My dad told me I have no personal life until Saturday. I'm going to die. Not really.

Justine is super sick so she got lucky. She doesn't need to do anything!


Bye, world..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

breathe in, and out.

i have an incredibly short temper. i've been trying to find my logic in being upset with certain people. sometimes, if i'm in a bad mood, i'll be very short with someone for no particular matter. so i'm trying to find a reason to be upset with that person before i'm mean. if there is no reason, i breathe. and i calm down.

or i smoke. thats better.

im very frusterated. fuck microsoft and your stupid serial numbers that can't be undone so i can put in a different number. ryan, you made me upset too. not mad. upset.

very upset.

i have no stogs and neither do justine so i'm going to try to sleep.
bye, world. off to lalaland.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

theres always a million reasons not to do something, but when in doubt, DO IT

we had a psych test today, but the fire alarm went off and when the class got back in our teacher says that the alarm was a disturbance so he gave us all A's. woot woot! :>

time to do homework.

on the other hand..
GO AWAY. LEAVE ME ALONE. I mean you're nice and all but.. GO AWAY!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

in our defense

it rained last night! wootwoot.

today was incredibly unproductive. minus the cleaning room part.

Friday, November 13, 2009

bring on the rain

i think rain would be romantic if it were warmer and felt like it was hugging you.
kissing in the rain is not romantic. it's uncomfortable. and cold.

it's been really cold lately. i wish the rain would come already.

p.s. happy 2 months wootwoot

Thursday, November 12, 2009

swirl me around your room with feeling

he's extra special. we were best friends for about a year.. i dont know why it took me that long to see him in a different way, but i'm glad i finally did. he knows practically everything about me. he knows what i like & he especially knows what i dont like. which is a lot of things, actually. i hate green onions. and almost all vegetables.. and a ton of other stuff. he doesn't trip too hard about that. tehe. i absolutely adore the way my hands fits under his. and when he takes me home i hold on to him cause i really don't want to go home.. i want to kidnap him and hide him in my closet.. forever!! hehe.. he never complains about me, when i think he should. well, he shouldnt, i guess.. but sometimes i feel like i complain too much, or i'm being too needy, or annoying, or.. immature. and i feel like he should be complaining about me, but he doesnt. i love it when its cold and we kiss and his lips are warm and mine are cold and it feels good. sometimes i get mad at little stupid shit, but i think its because i'm trying to find something wrong in this relationship. it just feels too perfect. we get along so well. he never pressures me to do anything. like staying out late. hes caring. hes very unselfish. he laughs at me when i act like a dummy. and he laughs at me when im super happy. he makes my friends laugh. he makes good impressions on people i introduce him to. my best friends love him, my mom loves him, and i love him. i am in love.

Monday, November 9, 2009

research paper..

someone tell me what sort of subject could possibly take up 10-12 pages?

thank you.