so first, i couldn't make it to christine's graduation because the school called me at 8:50am and said if i didnt go to saturday school, they would suspend me for finals week and not let me walk. so i went to the office and cried and begged and they said i can go but then they'd have to follow through with what they said they'd do.
that made me very upset. VERY. upset.
then i talk to bob.
i dont want to talk about that.
but it made me even MOAR upset. MOAR. upset.
so around 5:15 christine came to pick me up so we could go to sr banquet at church. by then i was a lot calmer. but still upset. like you know that feeling where you have so much emotion inside and one little comment could make you tip over like a cup filled with water? yeah. that feeling!
we went to church at about 6:15. we were late. fashionablyyy laatteee. hahaha. we both wore our white house black market dresses. bob says mine looks like a carpet. i see it now..
my hair looks flat. i need to trim it.
open mic came along. most of the things that were said were very touching.
pj had something to say at the end. i started bawling when he said, "i woke up at 3am and picked you up from the police station because your parents didn't want to pick you up."
then he started crying. but he claims he didnt. and chris and i were crying. and everyone else was crying. and then i started crying more because everyone else was crying. and people close to me would hug me and i'd start crying even MOAR. i felt like a child. but i'm scared they'll leave. and never come back. see ya in 239487234 years? ....
i got home around 11. and i talked to kevin.
i love kevin. kevin quoc tien nguyen, i hold you close to my heart. and i pray that will never change, you viet cong.
i talked to bob again.
i feel better.
soo much cryingzszs.
this is my worst case of senioritis picture:
i want a yearbook.
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