Tuesday, March 17, 2009


So.. I've been meaning to blog but I just haven't had time to.. Sorry.

Friday, Alan, Brandon, Kevin, and I went to Pizza Antica in Santana Row.
The wait was like 45minutes to an hour so we just cut out and went to Cheesecake Factory. I got this Miso Salmon(AMAZING EVERYTIME) and Kevin got some angel hair pasta thing and Alan and Brandon got some kind of.. burger hotdog thing..??

Well after dinner we walked up back to Santana Row and then we were stuck on Stevens Creek for like an hour cause I guess every Friday night they check drivers for DUIs. I took a picture next to a DUI sign. I should post that up later.. :< >

, I went to a COPs Class.. Again. My second time. FML.
This time I asked P.O. Jesus Flores about my license. He told me that traffic school probably suspended it for a year, but DMV thought traffic school was too lenient I guess so now they're being mean and giving me hella charges and suspending it for longer? I have to do a follow up on this.. very soon. :<

, went to church, went to work, mom picked me and Justine up, went home, hung out with Alan. Kevin had to go to his parents' anniversary dinner. Brandon was.. at home? MIA?? Lol..

Monday, went to school, cut 1-4, slept at Kevin's, went to Bagel Shop for lunch, went to school, cut 7th, went home, went to work, went home, talk to insert boy's name here, went to In N Out with Alan and Kevin, went home, PTFO. :>

So insert boy's name here and I used to date. I messed up. I tried to get him back twice. He rejected me both times.

We got into such a bad argument before. And he still wanted to "talk." To "be friends." I finallyy decided not to be bitter the whole time and gave in. Then yesterday, he told me that he found out this girl likes him.


So I become very upset. He tells me "this is why I never wanted to get back with you."
I say, "Why?"
He says, "You're so immature."
I tell him, "You barely talk to me and out of no where you're going to let me know this very unnecessary bit of information that I could care less about."
He tells me, "I won't tell you next time."
I say, "I'm not saying that. Atleast build it up or something now its gonna be hella awks."
Him: "It's only awks for you."
Me: "Well, then maybe it is."
Him: "Then that's your problem cause I don't have a problem with not talking to anyone and then talking to them again."
Then he goes on to call me immature.
Me: "Well I'm very upset.
And you've been very happy.
And I'm fucking jealous.
I've BEEN upset.
And then out of no where you're going to tell me that this girl likes you."
After a long pause....
......very long.......................
Him: "I'm sorry."
Me: "...I'm sorry too. I suppose."

How gay was that? -_-

I went to school. Oh, how I hate school.
My 5th period teacher marked me as a cut. I didn't know I was supposed to be in class--He never asks me to do anything!! Goshdamn.
Slept in 6th.
Didn't go to 7th.
Ate a banana at Kevin's.
Talked about Deep Sea Fishing??

Went home. Got raped by my mom cause she found out about my cuts.

Now I'm at work. Super Board. I hope this was of some entertainment to someone. If anyone reads this.. at all. "/

My mood is like a rollercoaster. And I'm not even on my period. LoopDeeLoop. Get it?

I hate. ...Maybe too much..??

P.S. My friend Kevin got accepted to Northeastern with a really good scholarship. And UCSD rejected him. If he doesn't get into UCLA he's going to Northeastern. I'm scared. :< Northeastern, please don't take my friend away.

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