So for my 7th period, I have Computer Animation.
I have to take this class and PASS it so I can graduate. :<
For this whole week, I didn't go to 7th period at all.
I finally got caught up for it today.. hahaha... I'm a dumdum. :<
ANYWAY, yesterday I went to Newpark Mall(eew) and i HAD to get another pair of Wellesleys(Vans).
Christine took the ones my sister got me when she came to my house while I was in Tahoe. It was the very mean onez. :<
Btw, they're blue.
AND I heard there's a HUGE SALE at Azukis so I'M TRYNA GO TODAY YEE YEE.
Btw sadies today. I still don't know what Kevo Niggayen and I are dressing up as. Hmph.
Update later!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Chocolate Chip Bagel with Strawberry Cream Cheese

Anyone want to go to Urban Paradise?! Contact me ASAP! Money for tickets needed by this Sunday, or you'll get SHITTY SEATS. Tickets are 20$. Flier below!
Incase you can't read.. It says:
Urban Paradise
Saturday, March 7 2009
Palace of Fine Arts San Francisco
Performances by:
The Company - APT
Guest Performers:
Alan Agorilla - CADC - Damian "DMOE" Gomez - GenTwo - Phoenix Dance Company - Press Play - Mind Over Matter - Sheroes - SGBM - Tripl3 Threat - UFO Movement
Reserved seating $20 until March 1/$25 starting March 1/NO CAMERAS
Contact WSPA for more info:
(650)757-1244 | 200 Northgate Ave Daly City CA 94015
I think I might blog in 3rd period Digital Imaging everyday.
This morning, my mom woke me up at 6:30(I told her to cause I wanted to shower) and I had a dream that I took a shower. LOL WHAT THE HECK.
I was hella tired!! Last night, Alan called me at 11 so that we could go to Walmart. I was sleeping. Rofl. The nght before that, Alan made me go to In-N-Out with him at 1AM. Wuddafux. I slept at 2:30 watching Lost.
SPEAKING OF LOST, I have like 15 minutes of the last episode of season 1 left!!! OMG I WANNA GO HOME RIGHT NOW AND PICK UP MY LAPTOP!!!! I need to catch up hella quick. I mean, I'm probably going to start on season 2 today and everyone else is on season 5. Argh.
So far today, I skipped read and I went to The Bagel Shop with Alan, Brandon, and Catherine.
I got a chocolate chip bagel with strawberry cream cheese with a french vanilla cappuccino which I gave to Alan. Alan got a BLT sandwich, and I forget what Brandon and Catherine got.
Oh yeah, on my way to 2nd period, I saw Evelina! She was going home. Cause she's a sicko. Muahaha everyone's getting sick like it ain't no thang.
This morning, I was walking slowly in front of my sister, I guess, and she gave me a mudda ess flat tire!!
I turned to her and I was like "WHY DID YOU GIVE ME A FLAT TIRE?!"
and she was like "OMG You're so embarrassing."
then I was like "YOUUUU littlebitch."
Waterbear! I ain't trippin.
I want to eat my bagel hella bad right now but my teacher will take it away. :<>Not included April 11 and 18--Spring break FTW!! But I can't afford to get anymore saturdays because the last saturday school is on June 13, and there are only 4 saturday schools available after my May 9th one. :<
This morning, my mom woke me up at 6:30(I told her to cause I wanted to shower) and I had a dream that I took a shower. LOL WHAT THE HECK.
I was hella tired!! Last night, Alan called me at 11 so that we could go to Walmart. I was sleeping. Rofl. The nght before that, Alan made me go to In-N-Out with him at 1AM. Wuddafux. I slept at 2:30 watching Lost.
SPEAKING OF LOST, I have like 15 minutes of the last episode of season 1 left!!! OMG I WANNA GO HOME RIGHT NOW AND PICK UP MY LAPTOP!!!! I need to catch up hella quick. I mean, I'm probably going to start on season 2 today and everyone else is on season 5. Argh.
So far today, I skipped read and I went to The Bagel Shop with Alan, Brandon, and Catherine.
I got a chocolate chip bagel with strawberry cream cheese with a french vanilla cappuccino which I gave to Alan. Alan got a BLT sandwich, and I forget what Brandon and Catherine got.
Oh yeah, on my way to 2nd period, I saw Evelina! She was going home. Cause she's a sicko. Muahaha everyone's getting sick like it ain't no thang.
This morning, I was walking slowly in front of my sister, I guess, and she gave me a mudda ess flat tire!!
I turned to her and I was like "WHY DID YOU GIVE ME A FLAT TIRE?!"
and she was like "OMG You're so embarrassing."
then I was like "YOUUUU littlebitch."
Waterbear! I ain't trippin.
I want to eat my bagel hella bad right now but my teacher will take it away. :<>Not included April 11 and 18--Spring break FTW!! But I can't afford to get anymore saturdays because the last saturday school is on June 13, and there are only 4 saturday schools available after my May 9th one. :<
Anyway.... My birthday's on April 12!! What should I doooo??????
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Er, yesterday, but I got them today cause they were shipped to my friend's house. :>
Well, I LOVE looking at beautiful looking clouds. & skies.
I'm a weirdo!!

This is my school. Well, a part of it. That's the library!
Taken with a D200.
When it all comes down to a sunrise on the east side, will you be there to carry _______.
I h8 boys!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Most of us always want to be older. To jump into the future or some shit.
OR, we want to go back. Maybe fix things and/or do things a little differently so we could maybe have a better more expected future(or now)?
This is what I(we) concluded!..
Erik is Money: What is actually important is here and now.. Now is definitely now. We try to experience what is available on the spot, there no point in thinking that there is a past that exists that we could have now. This is now, this very moment, nothing mystical just now very simple straight forward, and from that now ness however arises a sense of intelligence. Always that you are constantly interacting with the reality one by one spot by spot, constantly, we actually experience fantastic precision always, but we are threatened by the now so we jump to the past or the future. Paying attention the materials that exist in our life, such rich life that we lead, all these choices take place all the time, but none of them are regarded with good or bad per say everything we experience or unconditional experience they don’t come along with a label of bad or good, we experience them but we don’t regard it as we are going somewhere, we regard it as hassle, waiting to be dead.
For sure.
PostScript. I don't think Aritzia's sale was worth it. I think I might go invest my money in a pair of Diesels.
OR, we want to go back. Maybe fix things and/or do things a little differently so we could maybe have a better more expected future(or now)?
This is what I(we) concluded!..
Erik is Money: What is actually important is here and now.. Now is definitely now. We try to experience what is available on the spot, there no point in thinking that there is a past that exists that we could have now. This is now, this very moment, nothing mystical just now very simple straight forward, and from that now ness however arises a sense of intelligence. Always that you are constantly interacting with the reality one by one spot by spot, constantly, we actually experience fantastic precision always, but we are threatened by the now so we jump to the past or the future. Paying attention the materials that exist in our life, such rich life that we lead, all these choices take place all the time, but none of them are regarded with good or bad per say everything we experience or unconditional experience they don’t come along with a label of bad or good, we experience them but we don’t regard it as we are going somewhere, we regard it as hassle, waiting to be dead.
For sure.
PostScript. I don't think Aritzia's sale was worth it. I think I might go invest my money in a pair of Diesels.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sicko, Dicko..
I'm sick!
I've been sick since Tuesday, February 17, 2009.
Hahaha.. I guess I was carrying it for a while cause on Tuesday morning I could barelyy get up. It was all bad!
And I noticed that I don't blog a lot.
I promise to myself that I will blog more. :>
Not that anyone reads any of this. Roflcopter.
I'm a sicko!!!
And Aritzia has a sale going on... But I wonder if it's actually worth it..?
I cough green things in the morning. It's disgusting! I should take a picture.. I should NOT take a picture.... :X
Oh yeah, and I got blood sucked out of my arm 2 days ago! (Blood test)
That was incredibly scary, too. I HATE shots. And needles. But I can get my ears pierced fine. Huh.
I've been sick since Tuesday, February 17, 2009.
Hahaha.. I guess I was carrying it for a while cause on Tuesday morning I could barelyy get up. It was all bad!
And I noticed that I don't blog a lot.
I promise to myself that I will blog more. :>
Not that anyone reads any of this. Roflcopter.
I'm a sicko!!!
And Aritzia has a sale going on... But I wonder if it's actually worth it..?
I cough green things in the morning. It's disgusting! I should take a picture.. I should NOT take a picture.... :X
Oh yeah, and I got blood sucked out of my arm 2 days ago! (Blood test)
That was incredibly scary, too. I HATE shots. And needles. But I can get my ears pierced fine. Huh.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
50 Ways to Make Them Love You
“Well liked and popular” gets a bad rap. As if being disliked and unknown should be the goal. The truth is, being well liked and popular is only important if you care about being happy and successful. Otherwise, it’s overrated.
So, throughout the 2007-2008 school year, my students and I have been searching for what it takes to build the only capital more valuable than financial capital – social capital.
We came up with 50 skills/abilities. They came from asking students what qualities and behaviors they find most attractive, and from me observing socially sophisticated kids and adults.
1. Give small gifts. Know what people like.
2. Be able to talk. (Tell stories!)
3. Become the best listener you know.
4. Develop a sense of humor (self-effacing humor is good).
5. Have a cause. Care.
6. Verbally compliment or, better, write more complimentary notes to a wide variety of people.
7. Be good - or get good - at something. If you do, right or wrong, people will want to be around you.
8. If that doesn’t happen, at least work hard - hard workers get respect.
9. Be a good audience member.
10. Be able to ask interesting, thoughtful, probing questions.
11. Don’t be predictable. React differently. When someone falls, don’t laugh. Help.
12. Notice when people are sad or not themselves. Comfort those who look like they need comforting.
13. Tell people you LIKE stuff. When you don’t, say nothing. We like people who like stuff.
14. Be curious. Apathy is boring.
15. Be able to initiate a conversation.
16. Stand up for yourself. Have confidence (without being cocky).
17. Strive to be innovative and creative.
18. Be open. Be honest. Be real. Be willing to share your life. Tell the truth. Come clean. Don’t pretend to like something you dislike. Don’t pretend to dislike something you like. Honesty is incredibly attractive.
19. Buy something in the vending machine for the person behind you, even if you don’t know that person.
20. Write more thank you notes. Make them personal and specific.
21. Make a snack or lunch for someone.
22. Notice when people need help carrying things. Offer to help.
23. In a class where you’re excelling, help someone who’s struggling.
24. Save someone time. Clean, file, organize, run an errand.
25. Make someone a CD.
26. Print out a cool quote and give it to someone to whom it applies.
27. Give someone an appropriate book. (But don’t pressure them to read it.)
28. Color or draw someone a picture.
29. Say “Hi” to people you don’t know. (Don’t worry if they don’t respond. That’s their problem.)
30. When driving, let someone in.
31. Give away something good that you don’t use.
32. Leave an encouraging, happy, inspiring message on someone’s phone.
33. Text a compliment to a different person each day.
34. Take an underclassman to lunch.
35. Rescue someone from embarrassment.
36. Notice need. Then lend a tissue, pencil/pen, paper, personal items, a jacket, a sweater…
37. Physically, do the best you can with what you have.
38. Make an effort to acknowledge classmates outside the classroom.
39. Do little things. Close someone’s open backpack. Hold the door!
40. Shake hands, give high fives, pats on the back and hugs. When done appropriately and properly, the human touch is magical.
41. Visit, call or contact an absent classmate.
42. Be a good judge of character. Immerse yourself in positive activities and surround yourself with positive people.
43. Notice the small things others do. Let people know you notice and appreciate those things.
44. Stand up for and support those who need it.
45. Use people’s names when you greet and talk with them.
46. Know how to introduce people and how to be introduced.
47. Be able to talk about pop culture – a movie, a TV show, a sporting event. The more you can talk about, the better.
48. Make an effort to talk about the person you’re talking to, not always yourself.
49. Become educated. Most people like being around smart people.
50. Share food.
I'm in 7th period and the teacher just asked me to run a copy of some kind of animation thing for me so I went to the copy room, and while I was waiting for the lady to copy the papers I couldn't help reading this piece of paper taped to the wall labed "101 Ways to Cope with Stress". It reminded me of this "50 Ways to Make Them Love You" thing that my Government teacher taught us about, so I thought I'd share them with people who might come across my blog. (It's also up on his website. I forgot what his website was.. But I'll put it here in these parenthesis when I find out what it is. Hehe..) :>
I don't think I'll be posting up the "101 Ways to Cope with Stress".. There's too much to type. :<
But if you want a copy, (I doubt anyone wants one) I'll happily mail it to you.
“Well liked and popular” gets a bad rap. As if being disliked and unknown should be the goal. The truth is, being well liked and popular is only important if you care about being happy and successful. Otherwise, it’s overrated.
So, throughout the 2007-2008 school year, my students and I have been searching for what it takes to build the only capital more valuable than financial capital – social capital.
We came up with 50 skills/abilities. They came from asking students what qualities and behaviors they find most attractive, and from me observing socially sophisticated kids and adults.
1. Give small gifts. Know what people like.
2. Be able to talk. (Tell stories!)
3. Become the best listener you know.
4. Develop a sense of humor (self-effacing humor is good).
5. Have a cause. Care.
6. Verbally compliment or, better, write more complimentary notes to a wide variety of people.
7. Be good - or get good - at something. If you do, right or wrong, people will want to be around you.
8. If that doesn’t happen, at least work hard - hard workers get respect.
9. Be a good audience member.
10. Be able to ask interesting, thoughtful, probing questions.
11. Don’t be predictable. React differently. When someone falls, don’t laugh. Help.
12. Notice when people are sad or not themselves. Comfort those who look like they need comforting.
13. Tell people you LIKE stuff. When you don’t, say nothing. We like people who like stuff.
14. Be curious. Apathy is boring.
15. Be able to initiate a conversation.
16. Stand up for yourself. Have confidence (without being cocky).
17. Strive to be innovative and creative.
18. Be open. Be honest. Be real. Be willing to share your life. Tell the truth. Come clean. Don’t pretend to like something you dislike. Don’t pretend to dislike something you like. Honesty is incredibly attractive.
19. Buy something in the vending machine for the person behind you, even if you don’t know that person.
20. Write more thank you notes. Make them personal and specific.
21. Make a snack or lunch for someone.
22. Notice when people need help carrying things. Offer to help.
23. In a class where you’re excelling, help someone who’s struggling.
24. Save someone time. Clean, file, organize, run an errand.
25. Make someone a CD.
26. Print out a cool quote and give it to someone to whom it applies.
27. Give someone an appropriate book. (But don’t pressure them to read it.)
28. Color or draw someone a picture.
29. Say “Hi” to people you don’t know. (Don’t worry if they don’t respond. That’s their problem.)
30. When driving, let someone in.
31. Give away something good that you don’t use.
32. Leave an encouraging, happy, inspiring message on someone’s phone.
33. Text a compliment to a different person each day.
34. Take an underclassman to lunch.
35. Rescue someone from embarrassment.
36. Notice need. Then lend a tissue, pencil/pen, paper, personal items, a jacket, a sweater…
37. Physically, do the best you can with what you have.
38. Make an effort to acknowledge classmates outside the classroom.
39. Do little things. Close someone’s open backpack. Hold the door!
40. Shake hands, give high fives, pats on the back and hugs. When done appropriately and properly, the human touch is magical.
41. Visit, call or contact an absent classmate.
42. Be a good judge of character. Immerse yourself in positive activities and surround yourself with positive people.
43. Notice the small things others do. Let people know you notice and appreciate those things.
44. Stand up for and support those who need it.
45. Use people’s names when you greet and talk with them.
46. Know how to introduce people and how to be introduced.
47. Be able to talk about pop culture – a movie, a TV show, a sporting event. The more you can talk about, the better.
48. Make an effort to talk about the person you’re talking to, not always yourself.
49. Become educated. Most people like being around smart people.
50. Share food.
I'm in 7th period and the teacher just asked me to run a copy of some kind of animation thing for me so I went to the copy room, and while I was waiting for the lady to copy the papers I couldn't help reading this piece of paper taped to the wall labed "101 Ways to Cope with Stress". It reminded me of this "50 Ways to Make Them Love You" thing that my Government teacher taught us about, so I thought I'd share them with people who might come across my blog. (It's also up on his website. I forgot what his website was.. But I'll put it here in these parenthesis when I find out what it is. Hehe..) :>
I don't think I'll be posting up the "101 Ways to Cope with Stress".. There's too much to type. :<
But if you want a copy, (I doubt anyone wants one) I'll happily mail it to you.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
You're Golden
I hate school.
People are not "real" if they are saying shit to your face.
They're not being "honest".
They're judging you based on what kind of person you are to them.
Don't waste your energy talking hella shit about someone you don't really know.
I feel bad for the people that talk shit about me. They had to put down someone like me to make themselves feel better about their pathetic-ass life? It's almost sad.
I recently read someone's facebook note. It said something like "people think I'm a huge bitch, but it's mostly because i would rather say it to your face than wait until you turn around to say it behind your back."
ROFLCOPTER. As Erik said, "That's like saying orange juice isn't orange."
It's very Juvenile.
I remember being one of these kind of girls!
I hated it.
"The real people don't have to say they're real,
and the people who can see don't have to say they can see."
"The world is divided into the helpers and the clueless."
So.. Let's be helpers???
: you're golden : what does that mean? : you dont come easy, you're rare, you're beautiful awesome : golden
I will ENGULF you in my LOVE. :>
People are not "real" if they are saying shit to your face.
They're not being "honest".
They're judging you based on what kind of person you are to them.
Don't waste your energy talking hella shit about someone you don't really know.
I feel bad for the people that talk shit about me. They had to put down someone like me to make themselves feel better about their pathetic-ass life? It's almost sad.
I recently read someone's facebook note. It said something like "people think I'm a huge bitch, but it's mostly because i would rather say it to your face than wait until you turn around to say it behind your back."
ROFLCOPTER. As Erik said, "That's like saying orange juice isn't orange."
It's very Juvenile.
I remember being one of these kind of girls!
I hated it.
"The real people don't have to say they're real,
and the people who can see don't have to say they can see."
"The world is divided into the helpers and the clueless."
So.. Let's be helpers???
I will ENGULF you in my LOVE. :>
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Little Rascals
Dear Darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! Love, Alfalfa.
I want to watch this movie again.
So I just got into an argument with this guy I've basically been on and off with for like.. almost 3 years.. wow??
Basically.. I bring him the same drama over and over again and I never listen to his advice.
Once again! I never listen.
I noticed that I usually never listen to advice I don't want to hear.. that's bad, huh? Uht oh..
Not sure what to do about that one. It's too hard!
But my cop counselor lady told me.. "Why stay in any relationship when you can't gain anything--only a short time of happiness? What do you gain in being in any kind of relationship with that person? Why do you always have to walk on ice to make that person happy? You should not have to punish yourself that badly for the sake of someone else's well-being.. it's not healthy and it's not worth it." Well, something along those lines. What do I do? I don't know. This is hard. I know what I should do, and I want to do it, but..
1. I'm considering the other person/people's feelings!
2. I'm being a pussy.
My sister and I are getting closer.
Hi, sister!

Love youu :>
Dear ____, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! Love, Sophia.
I want to watch this movie again.
So I just got into an argument with this guy I've basically been on and off with for like.. almost 3 years.. wow??
Basically.. I bring him the same drama over and over again and I never listen to his advice.
Once again! I never listen.
I noticed that I usually never listen to advice I don't want to hear.. that's bad, huh? Uht oh..
Not sure what to do about that one. It's too hard!
But my cop counselor lady told me.. "Why stay in any relationship when you can't gain anything--only a short time of happiness? What do you gain in being in any kind of relationship with that person? Why do you always have to walk on ice to make that person happy? You should not have to punish yourself that badly for the sake of someone else's well-being.. it's not healthy and it's not worth it." Well, something along those lines. What do I do? I don't know. This is hard. I know what I should do, and I want to do it, but..
1. I'm considering the other person/people's feelings!
2. I'm being a pussy.
My sister and I are getting closer.
Hi, sister!
Love youu :>
Dear ____, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You're scum between my toes! Love, Sophia.
Monday, February 2, 2009
... hate that people can't see YOU for who you really are. I definitely wish they could.
I am so tired of this.
I feel so emotionally exhausted--if that makes any sense at all.
All this thinking makes me tired. Does that make sense, too?
I like not going out a lot anymore. I used to go out like everyyday. Now I just kick it at home & do my homework... or something.. or I try to! Haha.
I've also been working like a maniac. I worked from like 1-6:45 today cause we had to go to a family dinner.
I got to know my second cousin a lot better, which is kind of a relief cause I've been uber curious about him for a while(he's hecka quiet!).
& I decided to be stalkerish at work and I made my other cousin give me his pass and email so I can kinda facebook-stalk him. How creepy am I?
Oh, well. I was VERYY curious.
The news said the sky is falling, the globe is warming,
my country warring, leaders are lying, time is running;
no where to go.
Quickly-John Legend ft. Brandy
I love John Legend. He makes me feel better.

Heaven is not a place on my mind. I'm just controlled by the other things inside. God's the only one who can judge me. I haven't met him yet so you can take a seat. My mind is racing, eyes in a haze. But I'm still controlled by other things.
Born into a world that doesn't feel. Born into a world that barely seems real. Born into a world that will never see the lies in the ways that we live. My only hope is that one day this world will open its eyes and see. My only hope is that one day this world will recognize me. I know what I have to do, but knowings not enough. I know what I have to do, but how do I keep messing up? Everyday I keep making the same mistake. Everyday that I wake I keep making the same mistakes.
Burn the houses that use to be home because I'm not living for tomorrow.
Heaven-The Carrier.
I haven't heard this band, but I'm falling in love with them already.. :x
Thank you to those who haven't judged me.
& Thank you to those who still love me regardless of the mistakes I make.
Okay my parents are turning off the internet.
Goodnight, World.
I am so tired of this.
I feel so emotionally exhausted--if that makes any sense at all.
All this thinking makes me tired. Does that make sense, too?
I like not going out a lot anymore. I used to go out like everyyday. Now I just kick it at home & do my homework... or something.. or I try to! Haha.
I've also been working like a maniac. I worked from like 1-6:45 today cause we had to go to a family dinner.
I got to know my second cousin a lot better, which is kind of a relief cause I've been uber curious about him for a while(he's hecka quiet!).
& I decided to be stalkerish at work and I made my other cousin give me his pass and email so I can kinda facebook-stalk him. How creepy am I?
Oh, well. I was VERYY curious.
The news said the sky is falling, the globe is warming,
my country warring, leaders are lying, time is running;
no where to go.
Quickly-John Legend ft. Brandy
I love John Legend. He makes me feel better.

Heaven is not a place on my mind. I'm just controlled by the other things inside. God's the only one who can judge me. I haven't met him yet so you can take a seat. My mind is racing, eyes in a haze. But I'm still controlled by other things.
Born into a world that doesn't feel. Born into a world that barely seems real. Born into a world that will never see the lies in the ways that we live. My only hope is that one day this world will open its eyes and see. My only hope is that one day this world will recognize me. I know what I have to do, but knowings not enough. I know what I have to do, but how do I keep messing up? Everyday I keep making the same mistake. Everyday that I wake I keep making the same mistakes.
Burn the houses that use to be home because I'm not living for tomorrow.
Heaven-The Carrier.
I haven't heard this band, but I'm falling in love with them already.. :x
Thank you to those who haven't judged me.
& Thank you to those who still love me regardless of the mistakes I make.
Okay my parents are turning off the internet.
Goodnight, World.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Where's My Domo?
I've never had a blog before, but I decided to get one after I found out my sister had one, who got it cause her friend Kathy got it.
So.. what did I do today?
Hm, I woke up at 9:11 and went to church late.. we got to church at like 9:54 or something.. and then we went home around 11:30ish(?) and then Justine asked me to do her hair, so I did it. We just bleached this diagonalish line from the front of her head to the back. she needs to wash it out in like.. oh.. now! But I don't think it'll come out platinum right now so she's just going to wait longer.. I hope her hair doesn't fall off..? haha....
Now I'm watching Chowder with Justine and Kathy. Today is Superbowl day but I don't think we'll be watching it.. hehe...

I've been looking for my Domo for HELLA days.
I can't find him. I've been looking for so long. I don't know what to do. Its making me a little paranoid almost..
I hate it when I'm looking for something and I can't find it.. makes me want to find it even more.
I even cleaned my room! What the heck?!
I've never had a blog before, but I decided to get one after I found out my sister had one, who got it cause her friend Kathy got it.
So.. what did I do today?
Hm, I woke up at 9:11 and went to church late.. we got to church at like 9:54 or something.. and then we went home around 11:30ish(?) and then Justine asked me to do her hair, so I did it. We just bleached this diagonalish line from the front of her head to the back. she needs to wash it out in like.. oh.. now! But I don't think it'll come out platinum right now so she's just going to wait longer.. I hope her hair doesn't fall off..? haha....
Now I'm watching Chowder with Justine and Kathy. Today is Superbowl day but I don't think we'll be watching it.. hehe...
I've been looking for my Domo for HELLA days.
I can't find him. I've been looking for so long. I don't know what to do. Its making me a little paranoid almost..
I hate it when I'm looking for something and I can't find it.. makes me want to find it even more.
I even cleaned my room! What the heck?!
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